Recently we've been describing Parkview Towers as a 'MMVR' game. So what does that mean? Let's start with the last part - the VR.
How is this VR?
Star Trek's Holodeck has long been the gold standard in (fictional) VR technology. So let's use that in our example.
Imagine that you're on the Starship Enterprise, and you have time for a little R&R. You instruct the Holodeck to create a program featuring a living room in a high-rise apartment building in a city under attack by hostile aliens.
In this Holodeck simulation, you can stand in the virtual living room and look out the virtual windows. Alien fighters whizz past and buildings crumble in the distance as the aliens try to bomb and strafe the city into submission.
So how does that relate to a PS4 game? How can we create this in our own living rooms?
Well, for starters, the Holodeck version simulates a living room. In the PS4 version, we don't have to simulate the living room.
You're already in a real living room.
We only have to simulate the window.
Your real living room plays the part of the in-game living room. Your television monitor plays the part of the window, and the onscreen graphics play the part of the scene outside the window.
In this way, we get real 1:1 immersive VR on the PS4.
So what about the Massively Multiplayer part?
Well, as described previously, yours is not the only window onto the virtual game world. Dozens of other online players are looking out their own 'apartment windows' in the same way you are.
You work cooperatively with these other players to keep the invaders at bay, primarily by firing at the aliens through your window with your physical gun peripheral.
MMVR for PS4
So there you go. Parkview Towers is a Massively Multiplayer Virtual Reality game for PlayStation 4 with PlayStation 4 Camera.